ICT and cybersecurity audits

The requirements for the security of information systems are evolving dynamically. New threats and vulnerabilities emerge on a daily basis, reflecting previously unrecognised events across a range of modern industries.
The PragoData a.s. audit team is able to identify the weaknesses of your security management system and propose appropriate effective measures for your desired level of security. We specialize in information security management according to ISO 27k standards and Act No. 181/2014 Coll. on Cyber Security.

Security teams operations

To identify vulnerabilities, find appropriate security methods and defend effectively against modern threats, the teamwork of a number of specialists and different IT professions is necessary. PragoData a.s. has a team of security specialists who cover all required security roles from development through operations, active defence to penetration testing and ethical hacking.

Security measures and security management

Establishing an information security management system (ISMS), creating security documentation and setting up the right security processes is crucial for any organisation. Equally important is the proper implementation of technical measures, detection of vulnerabilities and adequate response to operational events in the organization. The team of specialists at PragoData a.s. will help you both with the implementation of the SDBI and with setting up security processes for security management as a whole.

Security tools

The requirements for information security management in an organization increase proportionally with the development of IT technologies. To monitor assets, manage risks, create a risk management plan and manage business continuity, it is necessary to have the appropriate tools to meet the required level of security. At PragoData a.s. we use operationally proven tools for security management, including:

Security roles and staff training

People are a key part of safety. Without their expertise, knowledge and cooperation, no safety can be ensured. The team of specialists at PragoData a.s. will help you fill security roles, train employees, expand or verify their knowledge and build your own security team of specialists.

If you have a question in this area, write to us

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